Herbed Cheese

6 oz. buffalo mozarella (the fresh soft kind packed in water)
12x15 piece of plastic wrap
Extra Virgin olive oil (option: this can be warmed in a pan with slivers of garlic which you then strain and discard if you want a garlic flavor)
3 TBS basil, minced
1/2 tsp freshly cracked coarse black pepper (optional)
1/4 tsp coarse salt (optional)
8 thick slices of fresh tomato
crusty baguette or peasant loaf bread, sliced

1. Place minced herbs on plastic sheet and roll the cheese over the herbs and pepper.
2. Wrap the cheese in the plastic sheet and press the herbs in a bit.
3. Remove wrap, set on a rimmed dish (to hold the oil for dipping) and drizzle the oil over the cheese. Sprinkle the salt over the cheese (optional).
4. Serve with sliced bread and thick slices of fresh tomato.

Optional: Use Chevre cheese instead of Mozzarella and mix 1 TBS each of minced chives, basil, and cilantro for a different, sharper taste.
~*~ From Suzy ~*~